Be prepared BEFORE you bring your new family member home

Pre-Puppy/Dog consultations provide you with the tools and guidance you need when bringing a new dog into your home.

Learn what to expect when adding a dog to your family for the first time, and how to help them transition into their new home.

In the 1.5 hour consultation, I will:

  • Show you how to set up your home for success

  • Go through supply recommendations (what you need, and what you don’t)

  • Provide you with a planner for the first 24 hours

  • Go through tips for starting a happy and healthy relationship with your new best friend.


We are so very happy with the custom training our poodle puppy Rosie has received from Mariah Klein of The Training Connection.  From the start Mariah customized our puppy’s training plan to meet our goals, lifestyle, and environment.  She not only helped train our pup, but helped train my husband and I to ensure long lasting results. Our dog fell in love with Mariah due to her kind and gentle training style that provides results without stressing Rosie.  Our pup is so excited to attending training classes with Mariah.

Nancy & Jeff

Frequently Asked Questions

  • Oh my goodness yes! Bringing a new puppy or dog home sounds like so much fun, and it is. But wait…. those first few weeks are so important, and wouldn’t it be comforting to know you are prepped, ready and stocked up on all the important information and STUFF you’ll want, and need. You’ll save money and time by learning from a certified trainer what is AND what isn’t worth your resources. I promise you if you go to the pet store, you’re going to think you need everything. Then two weeks go by and you’re back at the store wishing you had just bought the other product in the first place. Or week two comes along and you’re still not getting any sleep. I’ve been there so you don’t have to.

  • Those first 72 hours after you bring your new puppy home are busy and fun. They are also the perfect opportunity to set a routine and to make your puppy feel safe and secure. In addition to helping you learn what to expect, I will show you how best to set up your home so you can focus on providing the best start with your furry best friend (and get some sleep)!

Have some questions?

Ready to get started?