Start your puppy off right!

Start your puppy off right with six weeks of Puppy Start Right, all from the comfort of your own home. With private lessons we’ll have the flexibility to cover topics that are most important to you.

 You and your puppy will learn all the basics to get your puppy off to a great start.


Puppy foundation skills



Pesky puppy topics (biting, jumping, crewing)


Essential socialization topics

The Course Includes:

A total of 6 customized appointments in the comfort of your own home:

  • 60-minute consultation

  • Four private training sessions:

    • Foundation Behaviors

    • Training Skills

    • Pesky Puppy Behaviors

    • Socialization

  • One follow-up and review session

Each visit is $95.

Puppy Start Right Training Course

We were feeling overwhelmed with our new puppy but you helped us learn how to develop management tools that immediately changed things for the better. We’re better able to meet our puppy’s needs and in turn we’re seeing much less T-Rex puppy monsters. We can’t thank you enough.


Frequently Asked Questions

  • Yes, they can! Children not only love to learn about their dogs and how best to communicate with their furry friends, but they also benefit by learning that their dog also has feelings for what they like and don't like. The bulk of training takes place with the adult in the home, but children are encouraged to participate so everyone in the house can help the dog practice good manners. It's not only great for teaching the dog to play nicely with the smaller family members, but it can open a magical world of empathy and compassion for children to see dogs as feeling, caring creatures who just want to give love.

  • YES! It's important to me to be a responsible business owner, both for myself and my clients. That's why I'm licensed, insured, and bonded, just like many other service providers who may visit your home.

  • No. Treats or other positive reinforcement such as praise, toys or releasing the dog to let them do something they enjoy are all things we use to help teach a new behavior. Once the dog has normalized the behavior we can then slowly fade out the reward. However, I believe strongly that rewarded behaviors are repeated behaviors, so I still like to give an occasional treat for good behaviors. Honestly, who among us doesn’t love the occasional cookie for doing a good job?

  • YES! It might seem like your dog isn’t listening but what’s really happening is your dog hasn’t learnt that you are way more interesting than whatever else has them distracted. Have you ever watched a dog compete in agility or professional level obedience? It can look like magic to see a human and dog in a complete partnership. But I assure you there’s no magic involved. Getting, and keeping, your dog's attention is a learned behavior, both for the human and the dog. The great news is dogs LOVE positive reinforcement training and that means you’ll soon become sexier than the squirrel, or the enticing smell that keeps your dog from listening. From day one of our training together you’ll be laying the groundwork for fast doggy head turns and quick recalls.